Intramural Recreation: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating an Effective Program
Intramural leaders interested in starting or improving an intramural program in any school setting will find the most practical and easy-to-use information in Intramural Recreation: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Effective Program. This must-have guide comes complete with ready-made checklists and forms, a tournament selection guide, sample budgets, planning calendars, and numerous creative promotional ideas, making it an excellent resource for physical education teachers or other recreation leaders at any level—from elementary school settings to university environments.
Author John Byl, PhD, a physical education teacher and professor with more than 20 years of experience, takes an organized and logical approach to programming throughout the text, guiding readers step by step through every component of effective intramural planning and implementation. Using pedagogical aids such as chapter objectives, key terms, chapter summary exercises, and a glossary, the textbook promotes learning and retention and leaves readers with a comprehensive intramural handbook when all is read and done.
The three-part text includes these features:
- Numerous creative promotional and award ideas—from banquets to seasonal activities—that are virtually guaranteed to spur or heighten interest and participation in intramurals
-Extensive discussion of key details in policy, budgeting, planning, promotion, management, administration, and evaluation to help any intramural leader operate any type of program
-Variations on traditional intramural games and activities, including different rules and equipment, that will level the playing field for program participants
-Practitioner perspectives from leaders in the intramural field, giving readers examples of tested methods that work
Part I, “The Idea,” helps readers determine what they want their intramural program to be. Covering a range of topics from the history of intramurals to the benefits of participation, this section leads readers through the process of developing a clearly written mission statement for their program.
Part II, “The Plan,” focuses on the details—everything a reader needs to know about planning an effective intramural program. Chapters help define program structure and leadership requirements as well as develop policies that make intramural programs fair and safe for everyone involved.
Part III, “The Program,” examines program implementation and evaluation, guiding readers through the process of creating the program envisioned and planned in parts I and II. The final chapter helps readers construct a comprehensive intramural handbook.
The author's tried and true techniques and tips make this text an absolute must-have for anyone interested in starting or improving an intramural program in any school setting—from a grade school with virtually no budget to a well-financed, multi-staff university.