Microsoft Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion: Inside Moves
""Microsoft ""RM"" Age Of Empires ""RM II: The Conquerors Expansion: Inside Moves"" gives gamers the thorough insights and strategies they need to win at the latest version of this popular game. This guide offers an overview of civilization-specific strategies and backgrounds for the game, plus game analysis, tactical tips, walkthroughs, and game strategies. You will learn how to survive and thrive, defeat enemy states, accumulate wealth by trading and diplomacy, create and defend wonders of the world, and build your tribe into a great civilization. Plus, with two walkthroughs each mission included in the book, you can choose the one you want to help you win. This guide also includes exclusive ""Battle Bits"" -- advanced player training scenarios, downloadable from a Web site (, to help players sharpen their Age of Empire skills. Author Mark Walker has contributed to more than 28 computer gaming books as well as regularly contributing to well-known gaming sites.