Revised, updated, and restructured for its Second Edition, COPYRIGHT IN A GLOBAL INFORMATION ECONOMY continues to explore the full range of copyright law and emphasize the relationship between the law, technological change, and globalization.
Changes for the Third Edition reflect both legal developments and classroom experience:
significant new cases include Eldred v. Ashcroft, Dastar Corp. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp., MGM v. Grokster, Lexmark v. Static Control Components, and Chamberlain Group v. Skylink
addresses recent legislative changes and proposals, including the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act passed in April 2005, the TEACH Act passed in 2002, proposed legislation concerning database protection and copyright maintenance fees, and additional international evolution in the area of digital rights management (particularly in Europe)
opening chapters are restructured to provide an extremely teachable set of introductory materials for the first day of the semester
more extensive discussion of open source and creative commons as licensing models for copyright owners
revised material exploring the substantial similarity inquiry uses recent cases that more clearly articulate the appropriate analysis
material on secondary liability now examines the implications of Grokster, as well as Internet service provider liability and the safe harbor provisions of the DMCA
expanded material on the anticircumvention provisions of the DMCA now includes excerpts from Lexmark and Chamberlain in addition to Remierdes