Property: Cases & Materials
Professors who want to venture beyond the traditional land-based property coverage to include Intellectual Property and other emerging forms of Property Law will find this book ideally suited to their purposes. Property: Cases and Materials, Second Edition, fully integrates the law of tangible and intangible personal property with a thorough treatment of real Property Law.
Charting a course through contemporary property law, this casebook:
- provokes debate over fundamental questions from multiple perspectives
- shows how a body of law develops over time and responds to changing social and technological environments
- offers stand-alone chapters that can be reordered or omitted to accommodate time constraints and teaching objectives
- provides transitional material and explanatory notes
- incorporates appellate decisions, statutes, regulations, administrative decisions, law review articles, and non-legal materials
- presents a compelling selection of principal cases, such as
- Elvis Presley International Memorial Foundation v. Crowell
- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd.
- Dred Scott v. Sandford o Popov v. Hayashi
- Neponsit Property Owners' Ass'n v. Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank
- The Barbed Wire Patent
- Johnson v. Macintos
- Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corp.
- features a comprehensive Teacher’s Manual
Thoroughly updated throughout, the Second Edition features:
- new units on cultural property and natural resources law, including water law
- numerous recent principal cases including:
- Kelo v. City of New London, on eminent domain
- Georgia v. Randolph, on protecting a cotenant from a police search that was authorized by another owner
- Gormley v. Robertson, on the evolving law of property rights for same-sex couples
- Philip Morris, Inc. v. Reilly, on regulatory takings of trade secrets
- Wilderness Watch v. Mainella, on the protection of Cumberland Island as a wilderness area
- Corliss v. Wenner, on finder's rights to treasure trove
- Carson Harbor Village, Ltd. v. Unocal Corporation, on liability for environmental contamination
Property: Cases and Materials, now in a Second Edition, maps the full landscape of contemporary property law, bringing into focus basic land-based property law along with that other major promontory, intellectual property. As you chart a course through your next Property class, this may well be the casebook you’ll want to bring with you.