Great Australian Working Dog Stories (Great Australian Stories)
People of the bush regard their working dogs as the nation's greatest asset Uncomplaining, tough and loyal, they are the only workers that never go on strike or hit the grog. Working dogs deserve every bit of praise they get! With infectious enthusiasm, they leap on to the back of the ag bike to start the day's work. You'll get no argument from people on the land that these tail-wagging companions are the greatest of the nation's workers. In this classic collection of more than 300 original stories, these cheerful workaholics are celebrated in tales of heroism, extraordinary intuition and intelligence. On this journey around the nation's farms, this band of canine characters shows they can be pretty funny, too. During long days spent together in paddocks and yards, working dogs are our soul-mates with a sympathetic ear when times are hard. Their stamina and courage to get the job done in desert heat or mountain cold.