Dad's Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies
A practical, hands-on guide for all dads-to-be Being a dad has changed so much since you were born that you'd be forgiven for feeling a bit lost! This useful guide is filled with all the info that fathers-to-be need, covering the logistical, physical and emotional aspects of your journey into parenthood. Find out how you can get involved and support your partner! * Get to grips with Pregnancy 101 ? understand how your baby develops * Plan for your baby's homecoming ? discover the essential gear you need to buy (you need more than you think!) * Choose the right carer ? decide on the best person to get you and your partner through the pregnancy and birth * Prepare for the big event ? learn how to bea great birth partner and help your partner through labour * Keep your baby safe and sound ? discover how to care for a newborn * Find support for yourself ? work out who you can turn to for help Open the book and find: * What to do when conception doesn't happen * How to play an involved and active part in your partner's pregnancy * Secrets for keeping your pregnant partner happy and healthy * Information on your role during labour * Advice on bringing your newborn home * Lists of essential gadgets for babies (and dads)