Handwriting Practice 2
The Handwriting Practice books support literacy in schools by giving children practice in forming and joining letters, helping them to develop handwriting that is neat, fluent, legible and fast. Fully compatible with any school handwriting scheme, Handwriting Practice works methodically through the different letters and joins, and features workbook style exercises for children to complete. The simple format of the books makes them easily accessible, enabling all children to work independently - though support from an adult helper is always beneficial. FOCUS points at the foot of each page highlight key points for helpers to look out for. Handwriting Practice 2 focuses on joining letters to form words, beginning with letters of a particular shape, those found in common combinations, and themed word practice. By the end of Handwriting Practice 2, children should be able to write fluently on lined paper. Children are supported by shaded lines to write over as they begin to practise joining letters, guidelines indicating the height of small letters and the vertical stroke and real-life copying tasks, including writing instructions, a letter and a postcard.