Saunders Computerized Review for NCLEX-RN (CD-ROM for Windows and Macintosh)
This computer-based review tool is specifically designed to help students determine their readiness for the new NCLEX-RN. The Computerized Review simulates the NCLEX testing experience and provides a useful review in all core areas of the test. By generating practice exams from a bank of 2,000 questions coded according to content area, cognitive level, category of integrated concepts and processes, and category of client needs, students can assess their knowledge of the material through hands-on practice. Once a student has taken an exam in the test or quiz mode, the CD provides an immediate, detailed analysis of performance designed to help students focus their studying more effectively on areas of weakness. In the review mode, students are given answers that include comprehensive rationales, test-taking strategies, question categories, and references. This latest edition of SAUNDERS COMPUTERIZED REVIEW now allows students to use the mouse to answer practice questions, consistent with the new NCLEX-RN exam. Other new features include: 2,000 new questions providing students with more practice opportunities and less repetition of questions; approximately 25 new Critical Thinking/Free-text entry questions providing practice in prioritizing, decision-making, and critical thinking skills, to help prepare students for this additional component of the new NCLEX-RN test plan; a new testing mode featuring 25 Image Questions figures or illustrations with accompanying questions that can be answered with a "point and click" of the mouse; and a new drop-down calculator for answering questions that require medication calculations.
(Includes a FREE CD-ROM)