Adult Nurse Practitioner Certification Review
This outstanding, comprehensive review resource provides the necessary tools to prepare for the Adult Nurse Practitioner certification exam, with over 1,000 multiple-choice review questions based on the actual exam content and format. Clinical chapters are organized by body system, and are subdivided into three sections: Physical Exam and Diagnostic Tests; Disorders; and Pharmacology. Answers and rationales are provided at the end of each chapter. Other chapters include test questions that focus on growth and development, general health supervision and maintenance, and professional competencies inherent in the role of the ANP. A new CD-ROM contains all of the questions from the book to generate an unlimited number of 175-question sample exams designed to match the length and question distribution of the actual ANP certification exams.
- Over 1,000 multiple-choice questions are accompanied by answers and rationales for correct answers.
- Clinical chapters are divided into three areas - Physical Examination and Diagnostic Tests, Disorders, and Pharmacology - for a comprehensive presentation that makes it easy to locate specific information within each system.
- Chapters on Theory and Research, Issues and Trends, and Legal and Ethical Aspects provide information on professional competencies inherent in the role of the ANP.
- The chapter on Test-Taking Strategies (chapter 1) uses test examples to guide readers through techniques to increase critical thinking, testing skills for paper and computerized tests, strategies for decreasing anxiety, and tips to improve study habits.
- Questions cover the latest information on assessment, diagnosis, client education, planning and intervention, evaluation of response to health care, health promotion strategies, scope of practice, and ethics.
- All contributors are certified Adult Nurse Practitioners.
- A CD-ROM includes all of the questions from the book to generate an unlimited number of 175-question practice exams that mirror the actual certification test format.
- All questions, answers, and rationales have been updated and revised to reflect the most current information available.