Still a classic work in the field, the New Edition of this text is a definitive and detailed reference work on the elbow and the problems associated with it*with increased coverage of cartilage transplantation and new applications of arthroscopy. Including broadened and reorganized sections on arthroplasty and discussions from previous editions. Expert contributors and a generous number of updated illustrations are also added.
Stands as the standard source for information on the elbow.Presents contributions from both international and US experts.
Features a wealth of outstanding illustrations.
Includes comprehensive coverage of the latest advances, particularly the technical aspects of surgical treatment.Offers 76 chapters (up from 65), with new chapters on continuous passive motion; the use of splints; the use of external fixators; injury to the triceps tendon, and more.
Provides greater detail on the area of surgical exposures, including a detailed description of the difficult medial exposure of the elbow.Presents expanded coverage of elbow arthroscopy, examining specific indications for and result of elbow arthroplasty for a variety of conditions.
Explores pediatric management in more detail, including the pediatric stiff elbow.Discusses the option of joint replacement from the perspectives of surgeons from the US and UK.