Drugs for the Heart: Textbook with Online Updates
The new 6th Edition continues to be the definitive pocket-sized guide on the "hows" and "whys" of cardiovascular drugs. It provides in-depth information on all of the drug classes used to treat heart disease, and covers drug use, new drug classes, drug use for single and multiple problem management, and more. A user-friendly organization speed readers to the information they need, and dynamic new full-color drawings illustrate key pharmacological and physiological actions. The new edition includes access to the companion website, which offers bi-annual content updates to keep you current with new drugs, indications and leading trials. The website also has the feature of fully searchable text to access book content via drug, disease or drug action.
- Features a final chapter, "Which Drugs for Which Disease" that provides a disease-based approach to drugs, complete with rationales and clinical data.
- Includes clinical trial data for each drug class and type.
- Discusses and evaluates new advances in drugs such as super statins as well as combination therapies.
- Provides an increased emphasis on the practical use of drugs for busy clinicians.
- Features a bold new full-color format, with enhanced illustrations that depict pharmacologic and physiologic actions.
- Delivers information on new drug classes, including practical descriptions and guidance on the use of new drug agents.