Egyptomania: The Egyptian Revival : A Recurring Theme in the History of Taste
This study analyzes the influences of ancient Egypt on the art, architecture and design of Europe. It begins with a consideration of the ancient civilization of the Nile Valley and demonstrates the widespread adoption of Egyptian deities and motifs in the Greco-Roman world. It goes on to describe the enormous range of "Egyptianizing" objects that were made in the lands of the Roman Empire and which constitute the first manifestations of the Egyptian revival. It continues with the survival of these themes during the Dark and Middle Ages, and the influential rediscovery of both Ancient Egyptian and Egyptianizing Roman works during the Renaissance. The book shows that this influence of Ancient Egypt continued through to the late 18th century, after the Napoleonic campaigns in Egypt. The 20th-century discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun led to a major revival associated with the movement known as "Art Deco". The Egyptian revival is still with us, argues the author, but now usually features as a component of postmodern design.