The Vitality Mark: Your prescription for feeling energised, invigorated, enthusiastic and optimistic each day
We all know the basic vital signs that indicate being alive, but true vitality means really feeling alive: feeling energized, invigorated, enthusiastic, and optimistic every day.\nThrough his work as a lifestyle-medicine practitioner, Dr Mark Rowe has come to see how the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our wellbeing all impact on our health and our ability to stay well. Getting all these elements working in an interconnected, synergistic way forms the essence of vitality, or ‘the VitalityMark’ as Dr Rowe has come to define it.\nThe Vitality Mark helps you to identify the gaps in your wellbeing and offers a program to make small, sustainable improvements that will increase your vitality over time and put the bounce back in your step.