Sedimentary petrology
This text presents a comprehensive treatment of sedimentary petrology, within the general framework of'plate tectonics. Stressing the complementary roles of field observation and laboratorv studies, the book covers all major and most'minor types of sedimentan, rocks, including conglomerates and sandstones, mudrocks, limestones, dolomites, carbonate rocks, evaporites, cherts, iron-rich rocks, phosphorites, and coal. Features in the new Second Edition A new chapter on paleogeothermometry Coverage of limestone divided into two chapters, with an expanded section on limestone diagenesis Numerous examples of the implications of plate tectonics on sedimentary rock, including many new to this edition More attention to chemical processes in rock formation Straightforward writin- that clarifies the concepts and technical' terms students need to know. Sedimentan, Petrology Second Edition is designed for students with a background in elementary mineralop,, and is appropriate for courses in sedimentan, petrolop,,, sedimentary geology or stratigraphy and sedimentation.