The Tombs of Harmhabi and Touatankhamanou (BCP Egyptology)
Theodore M. Davis’s discovery of the tomb of Horemheb (Harmhabi) on February 22, 1908 was his last great find in the Valley of the Kings - a vast, finely cut tomb containing the king’s superb hardstone sarcophagus, a mass of fragmented burial furniture and abundant skeletal remains. The tomb’s wall decorations, in various stages of completion, are among the finest in Egypt. The Tombs of Harmhabi and Touatânkhamanou was Davis’s swansong, published three years before his death. Besides his report on the Horemheb find, it includes an account of what Davis supposed - mistakenly - to be the destroyed burial of Tutankhamun (Touatânkhamanou). The volume is abundantly illustrated with photographs and watercolour sketches of the tomb, its decorated walls and the objects found, together with some of the best views of the Valley of the Kings ever taken