Too Many People (World in Crisis)
Our planet is beset by enormous and interconnected problems, behind which lies the central fact that the world can not support a population of over five billion people - a figure rapidly rising towards ten billion. A large proportion of the world's population is never far from death and exists in the direst of poverty, both ignorant and exploited. World peace and the future of our civilisation are threatened - not in the distant future, but right now. Many concerned scientists believe over-population to be the greatest threat to mankind. As Calne states in this book: "We stand on the edge of a global catastrophe and we must act soon".\nSir Roy Calne, the pioneer transplant surgeon who has already done so much to advance medical knowledge, has written this book with the aim of confronting the present dilemma with the same scientific method that has given us an advanced technological civilisation, but which - through medical advances - has given us greater life expectancy. Calne wishes to create an urgent dialogue with those who oppose birth control and to make the public aware of the real situation.\nThis book is educational in the widest sense. In giving us a history of our scientific past and its consequences, and the relationship that science has to the differing ethical and cultural traditions throughout the world, the author enables the present to be understood as growing out of all our yesterdays. Everyone can benefit from a book that presents knowledge so readably, and with such warmth, wisdom and humanity.