The Country House: Classic Style for an Elegant Home
All in color! "Gibbs explains in detail the evolution of country style in the same way she examined the history of window treatments in Curtains and Draperies: History, Design, Inspiration
. Beginning with the middle ages and continuing up to the 20th century, she delineates the history of the country home, then proceeds room by room to explain how each room was furnished and how its function changed to fit the lifestyle of the inhabitants. Pictured is a formal style of grand country homes in England and the United States, unlike the cozy cottages found in the books reviewed above. Professional interior designers and students will find this an excellent sourcebook."--Library Journal
. "Gibbs has a talent for taking the historical perspective of an interior and showing how it can bloom in the present day."--The Christian Science Monitor
. Trim size: 8 3/4 x 11.