Jesus Christ Defeating Demons and Setting the Captives Free: Reports from the Frontlines of an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Are you ready? We are in the beginning stages of a move of God that is awakening the church for a great harvest. As the Kingdom of God advances, we can expect to see what Jesus and the church throughout history has seen-demons driven out and souls crying out to God for salvation, healing and deliverance. Are we ready? In contemporary Western culture where the demonic is often considered make-believe while society is riddled with fascination about the occult, this book is a sobering reality check and a great encouragement.
These riveting eyewitness accounts from a missionary in Taiwan during an outpouring of the Holy Spirit from 1987-89 will lift your faith in the authority of Jesus and help you see through this history window into the various levels of demonic affliction. The details of ministry model how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to bring freedom to people, institutions, and territories. Your heart will also be touched by the love of God and the vulnerability and courage of the author and his team as they fought to follow Jesus to see heaven touch earth.
The church must learn all we can from past moves of God and from cultural contexts other than our own. We must not miss our opportunity in the days ahead as Jesus desires todisplay His glory through the children of God setting the captives free, delivering whole areas of society from the influence of Satan.