Nashville Pikes Volume Three: 150 Years Along Harding Pike
Ridley's Willls' 3rd volume in his series of books on Nashville Pikes deals with 106 historic sites on or near the Harding Turnpike. After the Nashville Golf and Country Club opened on the Harding Pike in 1902, members built expensive homes near the country club. Soon, Harding Pike was the home of more prominent Nashvillains that any other pike could boost. Many Nashvillians know that, in about 1913, Percy Warner moved from Renraw, his elaborate estate on the Gallatin Pike, to Royal Oaks on Harding Pike. Fewer people know where his brothers, Edwin and Joseph, lived. This fascinating book tells where their homes were. A few years later, industrialist E. L. Hampton bought property on today's Lynwood boulevard and established a compound there where he, and his sons-in-law, Brownlee Currey, Eben Wortham, and Peck Owen all had handsome homes. Few Nashvilliana know that, in 1865, there was a vast U. S. Army demobilization camp that spread from Charlotte Pike east to Harding Pike, or tha