Cee Jay and Bugsy
In Cee Jay and Bugsy, we learn that despite the disbelief of his fellow cars in the yard and the looming presence of "The Crusher," Cee Jay stays true to his dream that someday he will be made into a collectible. When Bugsy, a V.W. Bug, is brought into the yard by Charlie the Tow Truck, Cee Jay opens up to her and tells her about his dream. "What are you getting all revved up about?" Ronald the Rolls Royce asked. "It will never happen," cranked the Model T. "They're just going to take you apart piece by piece until all your valuable parts are gone, then they'll..." Cee Jay sparked, "That's not going to happen to me, I'm a collectible. Someone will want to make me new again, you'll see!" Not just a children's book, Cee Jay and Bugsy teaches classic car history. After reading about Cee Jay and Bugsy's adventure, adults and children together will enjoy the glossary of vehicles listing the seven true life vehicles the characters are based on.