Confident Boys!: Purpose & Confidence Building Activities for Boys
In the era of social media and constant news coverage, it is clear that some of our young men are lost. Aimlessly going from job to job, one relationship to the next, with no clear direction.We went on a journey to discover what makes someone successful and fulfilled. The ones who were lived their life with a sense of purpose- they added value to others. They also were filled with confidence- being sure of who they were and not letting anyone define them. This fun activity book was created to help young boys build confidence and find their purpose. If children are taught these key principles at an early age, they will have a solid foundation built for a great future.This book contains:Word search Puzzles,Mazes,Cryptograms,Crossword Puzzles,Coloring Pages,Connect-The-DotsAnd much more!Check out our activity book for girls- Confident Girls! Purpose & Confidence Building Activities for Girls