Uncommon Sense
When you were taught in school that gravity is an attraction between solid bodies, didn’t that sound like witchcraft to you? My manuscript, Uncommon Sense, provides a reasonable, clear, explanation of what Gravity really is plus a solution to many other problems. Uncommon Sense consists of 17 concise, researched, well-thought-out essays which offer thought-provoking solutions to problems. For instance: • Gravity is shown not to be the cause but the result of other forces, clearly shown by example. • Space travel, when the true cause of gravity is realized, leads directly to the conceptual design of a suitable vehicle without the need for conventional propulsion systems. • Transportation with its current commuter traffic jams can be alleviated by applying current technology to the design of automobiles. • Global Warming, which has been incorrectly attributed to the atmosphere by politicians, is explained has its true cause clearly explained. • The Constitution, although brilliantly conceived for its day, has a few minor flaws that need updating to the modern world, particularly in the area of qualifications needed for a President. • Children’s rights, particularly as regards the duties of the parents, can and should be formalized into law and enforced as shown. • Defense against attack has recently become a real necessity and can be readily provided by the suggested methods shown. • Capitalism and Democracy, two of the greatest notions of the modern world, both contain flaws that may be fatal but could be corrected by implementing the suggestions made. • Retirement, with its unique problems, is discussed together with suggested methods of pleasant adjustment. • The Stock Market, a mystery to many and a burden to most, is explained in terms that allow anyone to understand and choose a suitable course tailor-made for success. • Muslims, through no fault of their own, are missing out of an important concept. This “missing link” is revealed and discussed. • Erasing Prejudice, a subject that is often all criticism and no constructive thought, is attacked with concrete suggestions toward achieving progress. • Religion, how parents inadvertently provide obstacles to its understanding is discussed with a few short stories. • Golf Courses, their gradual demise resulting from over-building, are shown to have a bright future for nearby inhabitants through modern technology. • Gardening, how to avoid the hard work and learn to enjoy the result is presented. • Football Helmets and their dangerous design and use is corrected by application of existing technology taken from another sport. • Used Cars and some of the pitfalls associated with owning them are pointed out as fair warning. The essay collection is intended for use as a supplement for students at the college freshman or high school level and offers students the opportunity to submit their own alternate solutions for consideration of inclusion in a future second edition.