Becoming: The Process of Becoming You
Some people know who they are. Many don't have a clue. So many of us are yet searching, changing, evolving, finding, and becoming. Life's lessons create the person we desire to be. Our greatness is only one action away from being awakened in our journey. Everyone's path is uniquely designed to unlock their greatness. Although joy is in those results, the blessing is found in the process of becoming you! Hello, great one. Think highly of yourself. You are the thoughts you think. Embrace the things about you that make you stand out. Don’t shun your uniqueness. Embrace who you are. Embrace who you are becoming. No one has been designed like you. You are the first of your kind, and the last of your breed! In this book, Author Marquez McClinton provides insight on many of the most pertinent aspects of becoming. BECOMING also includes some of the author's most popular pieces of poetry. Marquez McClinton is a native of Memphis, TN. He is a proud graduate of Lane College, and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He is currently a graduate student at Alabama A&M University.