Eulogies and Dead Horses: Adventures and Interesting Situations in the Life of a Traveling Geologist
As a geologist, I travel to remote regions of the world. "Eulogies and Dead Horses" is a collection of some of my travel adventures. The stories focus on the beauty that surrounds us, especially during poignant moments when life is in a fragile state. An underlying theme in this book is the presence of Mortality as an almost sentient, omnipotent being. The situations are described with humor and, in some cases, a bit of geological observation as well. Each story is either about people or about animals experiencing some stressful condition and the subsequent resolution of the conflict. These situations demonstrate the likely existence of a larger plan - a plan that sometimes looks like an obscure path leading through a mire of challenges. That said, I believe in the positive side of human nature. In summary, these stories are actually about life.