A Sword On The Land: The Muslim World in Bible Prophecy
An updated version of Pastor Bill Randles' 2013 book, which was written to show the significance of the "Arab Spring" in view of Bible prophecy. Pastor Randles has explained the scriptural context for understanding the religion of Islam and its significance in the last days and the events leading up to the great Tribulation and the Day of the LORD. The way he does this is by updating the ancient names used in the words of the biblical prophecies, such as Edom, Moab, Ammon, Persia, Gog, Magog, Put, and Ethiopia. Once these designations are updated, it is of the newspaper. The prophecies of Joel, Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Obadiah, Ezekiel, and Zechariah are shown to be starkly relevant to our times. This book is designed to help the "man on the street" to grasp the implications of events in the Middle East and even spilling over into Europe and the Western World.