Food Foolish: The Hidden Connection Between Food Waste, Hunger and Climate Change
One-third or more of the food we produce each year is never eaten. Food Foolish details the sources and consequences of this often unintended but ultimately foolish waste of one of the world's most precious resources. Some 800 million people remain chronically hungry and more than 2 billion malnourished even though we produce enough food today to feed everyone. The carbon footprint of food waste totals 3.3 billion metric tons enough to rank as the third largest country in the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, behind China and the United States. Wasted food means wasted fresh water, threatened national security and increased competition for land. The $1 trillion global financial loss is staggering. Despite these challenges, Food Foolish paints an optimistic future. It calls attention to the extraordinary social and environmental opportunities created by wasting less food, as the authors seek to strengthen a global dialogue around unlocking solutions that feed the world and preserve its resources in context of climate mitigation.
Proceeds from the book will be donated to food charities.