Heart Sparks: 7 Practices For Loving Your Life
You know there's more to life than just going through the motions, doing what you're supposed to, getting things done. You want to wake up in the morning, excited about life. You want to feel inspired and passionate with the work you do. You want to live more of what you love. The problem is, a lot of us have forgotten what we love. Because we aren't encouraged to follow our dreams. Because we have commitments and obligations. Because we're so busy taking care of everyone else that we have forgotten to take care of ourselves. And when we do start to think about what we might love to be doing with our lives instead, we hear all those voices in our head saying: there's no time for that, I'm too old to do anything different, I can't make money at it so it's not worth my time... And then we feel felt like such a failure because we know we are not living our true purpose. Heart Sparks: 7 Practices For Loving Your Life is an easy-to-read collection of stories, questions and opportunities to help you discern what is and isn’t working in your current situation, and practices to create a life filled with more joy, more passion, more things that feel like love.