Antique Watch Restoration Volume II
This book is a continuation of the topics covered in Antique Watch Restoration Volume I. It goes into great detail describing the techniques for repairing and restoring antique watches. Mr. Perkins, the author of Antique Watch Restoration Volumes I and II, has more than 70 years experience in the watchmaking and clockmaking trade, starting at age 15. Archie has spent more than 40 years, part time and full time, making wheels and pinions and other parts for antique watches and clocks, and has restored antique and complicated watches. A watchmaking and clockmaking instructor for Denver Public Schools for 32 years, Archie was elected "Vocational educator of the Year" by the teachers' union in 1981. He also conducted basic and advanced lathe courses for the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute (AWCI). Additionally, he served on the aWCI Board of Directors from 1985 to 1988. He has achieved the distinguished titles of Certified Master Watchmaker and Fellow of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institue, Fellow of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, and Fellow of the British Horological Institute. For 25 years, Archie wrote the monthly column, "Technically Watches," for AWCI's Horological Times. Many of his articles were also published in the British Horological Journal, Watch and Clock Review, and the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Bulletin. Archie was co-author of The Watchmakers' staking Tool, published by K and D Staking Tool Co., 1987. He also wrote The Modern Watchmakers Lathe and How to Use IT, published by AWCI in 2003.