Live Your Dreams Out Loud: 6 Steps To Conquer Your Fears And Achieve Your Dreams
YOU CAN LIVE THE LIFE THAT YOU DREAM OF! In this inspirational book by Brian Johnson, you’ll discover: 6 Steps to Living Your Dreams Out Loud: 1. Clarity: How to clear your mind and focus on your passion and purpose. Identifying what you truly want from life is the first step to Living Your Dreams Out Loud. 2. Commitment: How to dig deep and commit to doing whatever is needed to accomplish your goals. 3. Connect: How to master the art of friends, mentors, and partnering with allies to support your dreams. 4. Competence: How to develop your talents and skills. How to put in the necessary work to be better than average, and reap better than average results. 5. Condition: How to develop the physical strength, emotional resilience, and mental toughness to pursue even the most challenging dreams. 6. Cash flow: How to plan for financial peaks and valleys to ensure long-term success. Get your copy today!