The Prosperous Life Journal
Change the way you understand and experience Prosperity!Prosperity means something more profound and more spiritual than hoarding wealth. "The Prosperous Life Journal" deals with a different kind of wealth-the wealth born in a mind that knows giving is the mirror image of receiving, that knows generosity is essential to economic prosperity for all, and that knows gratitude is the secret to unlocking the riches of life. Guiding you through pages of support and encouragement, "The Prosperous Life Journal" provides a place to record your thoughts and feelings as you discover what prosperity really means, what it takes to live a prosperous life and share the good that is yours, and how to grow in confidence that an infinite Power supports you. "The Prosperous Life Journal" offers straightforward and compelling ideas to stimulate your assessment of what you believe about prosperity. When the book is complete, you will have a personal record of your progress and spiritual growth which you will refer to for years to come.