Hurt and challenges are a part of life's journey. Although none of us like to endure hardship or painful experiences in life, nothing great ever came without setbacks, roadblocks, or detours. It is the fuel that's used to ignite the fire from within us and brings forth strength, perseverance, and the power to overcome. It exposes and develops abilities from within we could have never known existed had we not gone through such heartache. These challenges allow us to discover, develop, and tap into a greater source of strength that only come from God.I used to believe if you sowed love, then love was what you receive in return. However, I now realize one's ability to love properly can only be determined by the depth of love you have for yourself. After discovering my husband had committed adultery, I found myself entangled in the snare of bitterness and unforgiveness, forcing me to go on my own journey in search of what it truly means to love.