Filomena's Friends (Adventures of Filomena)
In a small town near the city of Boston lives Filomena, a twelve year old parakeet. In the first book in this series Filomena discovers that we all see the world through a frame of mind and that observation is a powerful tool to help us understand how others see the world. In the summer, Filomena goes to the garden where she has a diverse group of friends who enrich her life. Through their conversations, Filomena learns about the long journey to and back from Mexico which some of the birds and butterflies in the garden take each year. She enjoys seeing the squirrels and the birds take turns eating from the birdfeeder that hangs from a lamppost. Liberty the blue jay, however, does not see why she needs to be considered with other birds as she eats her fill. She is in for a surprise, however, that will help her understand how much friends, working together, can achieve. Join Filomena as she helps Liberty understand how to treat others to live well together. Fernando M. Reimers is the Ford Foundation Professor of the Practice of International Education and Director of the Global Education Innovation Initiative and of the International Education Policy Masters Program at Harvard University. When he is not researching and writing about how to educate children and youth in the twenty first century, or teaching and advising his graduate students, he writes ‘The Adventures of Filomena’ a series of books to encourage intergenerational conversations about living well of which this book is the second.