Enduring Love
Enduring Love is a graphic novel exploring the exquisite sufferings of love. Set in the Lonely Forest, these tales follow the lives of various creatures who are navigating the difficult terrain of desire, drive and death. On this journey through the forest, you'll meet a young cub who would rather lose his life than his passion, a wolf who conjures up a masterpiece from nothing, a guinea pig who doesn't know what she knows, a beautiful bright white dove who remains flightless out of a love for the sky, great gods who wish to die, a royal elk who must sacrifice his true love out of true love and some hapless elephants who learn about hope in the midst of hopelessness. Written by a philosopher, this menagerie of fairytales has been carefully designed to offer you a unique perspective on your own heart and heartache. The central question throughout is a simple one: how do we endure love?