Destination Unknown: 50 Quick Mystery Trips for Youth Groups
SOME TEENS CAN'T BE LED …They Have to Be Driven Impact your youth with an activity that is interesting, instructive, and memorable. This book offers 50 “mystery destinations” near your church that can serve as backdrop illustrations for Biblical lessons. A drive of just a few minutes can engage & affect your youth group in settings such as – A greenhouse - for a lesson on the mustard seed A jail - to study the setting of Paul's epistles A grain elevator - to discuss where makind stores riches A bakery – for a lesson on our function as leaven A foundation - to discuss how faith can be built on rock or sand A courtroom – to discuss Jesus’ role as advocate These and many more innovative road trip parables are supplemented by lesson plans, devotional outlines, discussion questions, and related scripture clues for your youth group to guess their mystery destination. Show your teens a creatively original approach to teaching.