Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul
In recent years a revitalization of interest in Paul has occurred. The Society of Biblical Literature recently ended the work of a group devoted to the study of Paul's theology. We are now seeing the publication of a number of books from various points of view that are examining the life, thought, and influence of the apostle Paul. Despite this recent attention to Paul's thought, J. Louis Martyn believes that insufficient attention has been paid to the discovery of numerous and pervasive apocalyptic themes in Paul's letters. Further, says Martyn, Paul is still being studied somewhat in isolation, almost as though he had neither comrades nor competitors. One of the results is that Paul is sometimes credited with views he did not hold--views which were, in fact, held by his opponents. In Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul we find the results of a lifetime of study of Paul's letters by a well-known and widely respected New Testament scholar.