How to Be the Person Successful Companies Fight to Keep: The Insider'S Guide To Being #1 in the Workplace
Here is the inside scoop on what employers are really looking for in an indispensable worker. Providing you with the key high-performance traits that really count in the workplace, How To Be The Person Successful Companies Fight To Keep takes you behind the scenes, into the boardrooms and offices of more than 300 business owners, Ceos, managers, and human resources directors, revealing why you must: Find ways to demonstrate value added Identify your competition - both inside and outside your company Cultivate advocates and allies who will fight for you Initiate and embrace organizational change Have a positive impact on your customers, coworkers, and company Now more than ever, it is vital to remain employable, rather than just keep your job. How To Be The Person Successful Companies Fight To Keep is an essential survival manual for employees today.