The Four Cornerstones of Winning Golf
In The Four Cornerstones of Winning Golf, Butch Harmon teaches you how to strengthen your game by balancing four areas that are equally important to your final results: ball striking, the short game, the mental side and course management, and physical conditioning. The result is an evenly proportioned approach to mastering the whole game of golf.
Since the full swing - ball striking - is only one of the four cornerstones, you should spend as much time as you do on the range practicing your short game - including putting, chipping, and pitching - which more often than not will make the difference in saving par or making birdies. A strong mental game coupled with shrewd course management - learning to think your way through every hole - will lessen the damage done by your inevitable small mistakes, and can give you an added edge over the rest of your foursome. And sound physical conditioning - daily exercises for strength and flexibility - can help you maintain that edge, improve your practice, and even help with such difficult shots as long carries out of the rough. These four cornerstones are the key to winning golf.