Movie Horses: Their Treatment and Training
Dust jacket notes: "This book will fascinate horse buffs and movie fans alike. Here is the complete story of the horse as a performer in the motion picture age. Through all the stars, from the early Rex, King of the Wild Horses, to the present-day Fury and Mr. Ed, the image of the movie horse has changed and grown with the years. A professional horse trainer himself, the author tells of the actual training required for all levels of horse performance: from the humble horse extras, to specialty stunt horses, and the stars themselves. Drawing from his own experience, he reveals how many of the spectacular animal scenes that you remember on the screen were carefully created. Here too is the dramatic struggle of the American Humane Association to protect animal performers. From the early, unsupervised days when horses were treated as expendable 'props,' to more modern times when skill and training produce realistic effects with minimum risk, the AHA's role in the life of a movie horse is one of prime importance."