Carry It On: A History in Song and Picture of America's Working Men and Women
Library Journal: "Pete Seeger has selected 85 songs for this unusual history. Lead sheets (melody line with chord names) are arranged chronologically by subject, beginning with the Revolution on through farming, fishing, housework, the Civil War, early unions, mills, railroads, Wobblies, the Depression, migrant workers, more unions (and ``L'Internationale'' in a dozen languages). Contemporary songs follow, on unemployment compensation, civil rights, working mothers, cabdriving, high tech and small business, ending with Gil Turner's ``Carry It On.'' All proclaim solidarity, success, humor, and hope along with struggle, sweat and toil. Reiser provides a short introduction for each song; photos (meant ``to reach everyone who works . . . not just those who read music'') were not seen. For general as well as music collections." - Bonnie Jo Dopp, District of Columbia P.L.