Mythic Astrology
Mythic Astrology will teach you something about yourself -- your strengths and limits, and what makes you happiest and most productive. Read the color cards with friends or partner: you will explore your own character, recognize that others see and experience life differently, and begin to understand the basic chemistry between yourself and other people. There is no study more effective than astrology in facilitating self-understanding. Mythic Astrology will soon show you why.
- 224-pages illustrated book
- Tables of signs for planets, Sun, Moon and Ascendant at birth
- Two sets of color cards
- Printed cloth showing card positions
- Note pad to record readings
Mythic Astrology will teach you something about yourself -- your strengths and limits, and what makes you happiest and most productive. Read the color cards with friends or partner: you will explore your own character, recognize that others see and experience life differently, and begin to understand the basic chemistry between yourself and other people. There is no study more effective than astrology in facilitating self-understanding. Mythic Astrology will soon show you why.
- 224-pages illustrated book
- Tables of signs for planets, Sun, Moon and Ascendant at birth
- Two sets of color cards
- Printed cloth showing card positions
- Note pad to record readings