The Touch System For Better Golf
Few golfers ever reach their full potential. One reason, according to Bob Toski, is that they become so engrossed in the mechanics of the swing -- straight left arm, three-knuckle grip, knees flexed, etc. -- that they never develop a sensitivity for the movement of the clubhead. They never learn to swing with the freedom of motion that allows the touring pros to drive 250-300 yards with seemingly little effort. There are some "mechanics" that do need mastering, and they are explained In this book. But the main thrust of the text deals simply with learning to develop and use your senses of sight and feel. Toski, perhaps the game's finest teacher, tells you, and the illustrations show you, how your swing should feel. He tells you how to cultivate this feel, through the building of "success patterns" in an orderly program of development. Once you learn to play by feel, you will merely visualize the type of shot you wish to play, summon forth the proper feel for that shot, then simply swing the club. Your subconscious will automatically provide you with the swing you need to execute the shot you have planned. The pros play by feel, and so can you. Let Bob Toski, who has taught his Touch System to thousands, free your mind and your body from the complexity of thoughts that stifle long driving and accurate shotmaking.