Flying the Big Jets: All You Wanted to Know About the Jumbos but Couldn't Find a Pilot to Ask
This book presents fascinating facts about what it takes to fly a big jet. How does a large aircraft fly? How long is the take-off run at maximum weight? How much fuel is carried on a transatlantic flight? The answers to these and thousands of other questions are given with sufficient enough detail to satisfy even the most inquisitive reader. Chapter by chapter, readers are taken from the basics of big jets through to the actual flight of a Boeing 777 from London to Boston. Readers will examine the weather forecast with the pilots, monitor the take-off from the flight deck, listen to the radio reports along the way, view the mid-Atlantic weather from above the clouds, witness the preparations for descent, and experience the excitement of landing in Boston. "Flying the Big Jets" is a comprehensive book that reveals the every-day working environment of the modern long-haul airline pilot.