Earth Line and Morning Star: Nlaka'Pamux Clothing Traditions
For the Nlaka'pamux of the southern British Columbia Interior, the art of dress and adornment has been an art of aesthetic, social and religious significance. Using a technology developed over thousands of years, people sewed tanned skins and wove cedar, willow, lichen anfIndian-hemo fibres to make their garments. Colourful feathers, seeds and shells were used s decoration. UImages drawn with paints and dyes reflected their dreams, visions and life experience; With the arrival of European traders, NLaka'pamux clothing style quickly changed to adopt new materials and fashions. Yet, the skills needed to produce traditional clothing and the knowledge of its symbolic importance continued and are still taught in NLaka'pamux communities today. Earth Line and Morning Star is the first in-depth study of NLaka'pamux clothing traditions. --- from book's back cover