Soccer Fitness: Workout Routines, Secrets and Strategies to Improve Your Soccer Fitness
Are you a skilled soccer player who can't make it big? Is it because of your lack of physical and mental fitness?
This book will provide an excellent way to help with soccer fitness for players and coaches. The book will look at fitness for soccer and consider how this reflects and differs from general fitness. It will offer examples of ways in which players can enhance their endurance for playing soccer.
It will also look at the kind of fitness specifically needed for playing soccer at the highest level our ability allows, considering the science behind the practice. 'Soccer Fitness' will consider the different aspects of getting fit for soccer.
It will look at ways to develop upper body strength. There will be practical guidance offered with regards to plyometrics - specific training programmes to develop explosiveness of movement, and subsequent speed. Pace is needed in soccer, although it is a sprint and jog sport. The book will offer practical ways to develop the much-needed attribute of stamina as well.
It is not just physical fitness that is required to be a good football player, but mental awareness is vital; positioning, selecting passes, making runs, concentration - all are about developing good mental fitness to help make the best decisions in a fast-developing situation. This book will offer ways to enhance this.
We will also look at the kind of discipline needed to become fit enough to play soccer to the highest level we can, and how diet can aid with achieving this specific fitness for playing soccer. We hope that the book will offer insights to help us achieve what we all want in our sporting joys, whether playing at a fun amateur level, at local league standard, semi-professional level or even for those who dream of playing professionally.