Someone Should Have Told Me
Someone Should Have Told Me is a book for adults to share with children. It uses colourful, fun illustrations and simple statements prefaced by “Someone should have told me…,” to help adults talk to children about potential online and face-to-face dangers. Key topics covered include: • children seeing pornography online • face-to-face and online grooming by predators • sexting and children exposing other children to pornography • questions to see whether children have understood the key concepts • information to support adults in their explanations of the potential dangers • what to do if a child has seen pornography • what to do if a child discloses that they have been abused These are difficult conversations to have with children. However, it is important that they are aware of the potential dangers and know how to enhance their safety. Someone Should Have Told Me aims to help you have these conversations with children in a fun, non-confronting way. It is a must-have for parents, carers, teachers and educators looking to teach children child protection education!