Ora et Labora: An OTO Research Journal: Volume III
With wide-ranging and highly eclectic essays from around the world, Ora Et Labora gathers together the research and findings of the practitioner-scholars of Thelema.\nGathered, curated, and produced by the Grand Lodge of Australia, OTO.\nContents for this Volume:\nAlba ad Rubrum: Waratah Blossoms - J. Daniel Gunther Lord of Life & Joy - Brent Gray The 'Occult Macrohistory' of Aleister Crowley - Ian Drummond Mundus Imaginalis, the Stone of the Wise - Chris Carr Bread and Salt: To be taken with a grain of salt - Frater O.I.P Initiation and the Hermetic Tradition - Shawn Gray The mantras and the spells: Language and magick - Frater S.P "Anything can be Animated" The Visionary Cinema of Jordan Belson and its Esoteric Core - Gordan Djurdjevic Occultists, Nazis, Atlanteans and Alawites. Vril and the Occult Revival - Daniel Brant Corish 'That I may follow and dispel the night': Wagner's Parsifal and Liber XV - Percy A. Mindnich A Crack in Everything: Finitude and the Ceremony of the Introit - Entelecheia An Examination of the Symbolism of the Gnostic Mass Temple - Michael Kolson Temple Theology in the Gnostic Mass - Padraig MacIain Apokalypsis II: Temple mysticism in the New Aeon: An Introduction - Steve King The Island of Flames and the spiritual heart. A reflective commentary on Rev. Cosmé Hallelujah's "Notes towards a preliminary analysis of a peculiar motif in the Stele of Ankh-af-na-khonsu" - Shokufeh Alwazi Excursus on Notes towards a preliminary analysis of a particular motif in the Stele of Ankh-af-na-khonsu - Rev. Cosmé Hallelujah