The Biden presidency, in tandem with the global elites and the COVID-19 pandemic's convenient segue into the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Great Reset of 2021, represents cultural-Marxism's usurpation of the West's institutions-of its legislatures, courts, universities, media, and corporate boardrooms.So, how must the church respond to this? And how will she navigate the new cultural and political terrain? The Great Reset: Charting the Way Forward by David Orton provides the answer, outlining five resets that the church must undergo to equip her to be both the demonstration and proclamation of God's government to the world. Only then will the nations discover the biblical blueprints for their dilemmas. The Christian community must undergo five resets if it is to chart the way forward:1. Partisan politics for the politics of the Kingdom, 2. The myth of neutrality for a cultural gospel,3. Experientialism and false prophecy for the Scriptures, 4. Tribalism and sectarianism for apostolic unity, and5. Eschatologies of defeat for Christ's victory in history.This will instead prove to be God's Great Reset.