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The objective with the WRITE 2: Paragraphs and Essays and its companion WRITEE 1: Sentences and Paragraphs is to help you function, and even flourish, in college and the workplace. Now more than ever, you need effective communication skills in order to take your place in our information driven world. There really is no alternative. Writing, speaking, collaborating, thinking critically - these are the survival skills for the 21st century. This crucial directive is clearly in mind during development of WRITE 1 and WRITE 2. right to is designed to provide grammar instruction, as much as possible, within the context of your own writing - to merge skills with craft. Study after study has shown this is the most effective approach to teaching grammar. In a typical writing chapter, you are introduced to two or three new grammar skills are concepts. After practicing each skill you apply what you learn as you edit your own writing. Additional practice activities provided in the workshop section of the text