Distinguished in the market by its strong, pragmatic approach for the introductory speech or human communication student, Communicating, 9/e, offers comprehensive, balanced coverage of basic communication theory, interpersonal and group communication, and public speaking skills. Strengthening this practical approach, relevant examples and exercises motivate students to develop and apply their new skills. The authors address a diverse student audience, with a special focus for returning adult learners.To keep the material relevant to students, Skill Boxes in every chapter provide specific communication skills and advice that directly relate to issues students face in college and beyond. Other pedagogy reinforces what they learn, including chapter outlines, key terms, summaries, and Learn by Doing exercises.New! A student CD-ROM delivers video and self-assessment tools to provide benchmarks that allow students to track learning and improvement.New! An enhanced art program appeals to diverse learning styles and uses recap boxes to reiterate complex concepts.New! Updates on new communication technology cover using the Internet and electronic presentation tools.New! More specific discussions of perception in several chapters include small groups, nonverbal communication, and interviewing.Thorough coverage of diversity includes gender issues throughout and specifically in Chapter 6.