The Beatles and their Revolutionary Bass Player
How the hell did four guys, from a city on the Northwest Coast of England, come to rule the world? I can not imagine what life would have been like without them. Can you?
How would the current economic state or all of the sorrows of the world compare to going through life never hearing “She Loves You” or “A Day in the Life”? Instead, we were able to live vicariously through a story that would make a great novel (if someone ever chose to write it as such). It has everything you need: desire, early failures, bleak moments, heartbreak, love affairs, dragon women and helpless maidens, martyrs, incredible characters—some dark and some light— coming and going just when they were most needed, insecurity and loyalty, triumph against all odds, the world held in the sway of four men who changed it all, a breakup that was viewed with more despair than Charles and Diana and—finally—four figures, four separate Phoenixes, stumbling to their feet and learning for the first time how to stand up without their three mates at their side.